Current students


how to register

If you have been a student within the last year, your account information is already in our database. Please follow the instructions to sign into our portal to enroll in classes rather than completing another online registration form.

Use this link to access or GOTTA DANCE PORTAL . Once directed to the portal, use the prompts to log-in with your email address and password. To reset your login credentials, simply supply your email address when prompted and your username and a temporary password will be emailed to you.

Please contact our studio office at 407-380-6620 with any questions when registering.

How to re-enroll in Gotta Dance:

By submitting a Registration form online, you agree to accept all terms of the contract for the Summer 2021 or 2021-2022 dance season. This includes, but is not limited to, payment of all fees incurred at the time of registration and for the duration of the season as set forth in our Studio Policies. 

If you have been a student within the last year, your account information is already in our database. Please follow the instructions to sign into our portal to enroll in classes rather than completing another online registration form.

On the Online Registration form, click the top link that says Already a customer? Click here to log in. Once directed to the portal, use the prompts to set-up your email address and password. To reset your login credentials, simply supply your email address when prompted and your username and a temporary password will be emailed to you.

Once fully signed into the portal, you can enroll in classes using the FIND CLASSES button.  

To enroll:

  1. Follow the prompts to enroll in the class of your choice.

  2. By default, all classes are filtered by age criteria.

  3. Select your choice in class for the Summer 2021 or Fall 2021-Spring 2022 dance season.

  4. Check the box to enroll the eligible child.

  5. Agree to all policies by checking the boxes.

  6. Click the bottom button to agree to all terms.

  7. An email will be sent to you to confirm your registration. Registration is not completely official until we process your first payment. We will contact you to verify your registration and process your payment within one business day. Remember, a valid credit card must always be kept on file. This card is how your first payment will be processed. Use the “My Account” button to update the credit card on file.